N.B.2019-12-09T16:53:11-08:00Categories: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock|Tags: christ, christianity, jesus, john the baptist, solstice, stonehenge, summer, summer solstice|
N.B.2019-12-09T16:54:07-08:00Categories: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock|Tags: anubis, God, horus, jesus, john the baptist, osiris, religion, summer solstice, winter solstice|
N.B.2019-12-09T16:54:15-08:00Categories: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock|Tags: astrotheology, religion, stonehenge, summer solstice, sun worship|
N.B.2020-04-24T15:07:47-07:00Categories: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock|Tags: america, astronomical alignments, manhattan, neil degrasse tyson, summer solstice, USA, winter solstice|
N.B.2019-12-09T16:54:22-08:00Categories: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock|Tags: new york city, summer solstice, winter solstice|
N.B.2019-12-09T16:54:27-08:00Categories: Acharya S/D.M. Murdock|Tags: abrahamic religion, archaeoastronomy, archeoastronomy, astrotheology, autumnal equinox, christianity, jesus, john the baptist, religion, summer solstice, vernal equinox, winter solstice|