by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S
The ancient mythical motif of Sirius as the “Star in the East” has not been refuted, debunked or rebutted in any meaningful way, despite fallacious claims by Christians and skeptics alike. Christians themselves made this connection when they called the Belt of Orion the “Three Kings,” as these celestial markers point to Sirius on the horizon, the place where the SOLAR savior is “born” as the sun rises. This effort to hide the facts and truth represents yet another of the attempts to keep the world from knowing about the natural meaning behind these patently mythical biblical motifs.
We can see even from a Wikipedia article that Christians themselves have been claiming the star in Orion’s Belt called Mintaka as one of the “Three Kings” or “Three Magi” in the gospel story, pointing to the “bright star” Sirius on the horizon:
The relevant text here reads:
In Christian astromythology, Mintaka is also regarded as the third of the three Magi on their way to Bethlehem (Sirius): Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar.
Notice the use of the word “astromythology,” which has the same basic meaning as “astrotheology,” a perfectly viable term. Since even Wikipedia can get this history correct, one must wonder why “experts” cannot.
The Three Kings
Again, this association of the three stars in the Belt of Orion as the “Three Wise Men,” “Three Kings” or “Three Magi” was made by Christians themselves, as we can see from the fact of them naming these stars with such biblical monikers. (The magi are not numbered as three in the Bible, but their gifts are, and Christian tradition obviously makes of them a triad.)
As British astronomer Dr. Stephen James O’Meara remarks in Deep-Sky Companions (4:106), published by Cambridge University Press:
In South Africa they were the three kings or sisters. While in Upper Germany they were seen, among other things, as the Magi – the three wise men who followed the Star of Bethlehem to Christ’s birthplace (another fertility symbol).
In the book The Cambridge Guide to the Constellations (21) by Dr. Michael E. Bakich, senior editor for Astronomy magazine, also published by Cambridge University, we find the following list of asterims within constellations, specifically identifying the three stars in Orion’s Belt as the “Three Kings.”
Since the Belt of Orion – the “Three Kings,” according to Christians themselves over the centuries in several countries and languages – has been blatatantly obvious to ancients as pointing to Sirius, we cannot honestly say that Christians themselves did not view that brightest star in the sky to be the “Star in the East” in the gospel story of Jesus’s birth at Bethlehem.
We know for a fact from ancient texts that Orion’s Belt was used to indicate Sirius, which was viewed by the Egyptians as heralding the annual flood of the Nile, considered to be the “savior of Egypt.”
Once again, even Wikipedia has the correct facts in its article on “Orion,” which states:
Orion is very useful as an aid to locating other stars. By extending the line of the Belt southwestward, Sirius (α CMa) can be found…
Much more on this subject can be found at my lengthy forum post, The Star of Bethlehem/in the East, Three Wise Men/Kings, Sirius and Orion.
Despite the pretenses by “experts” who completely ignore these facts, we can be certain that the biblical motif of the Star in the East is mythical, and based on its appearance in other cultures – including the Egyptian, in which the baby sun was brought out in a manger every year at the winter solstice – represents a solar myth. Those claiming otherwise are not experts, as it is clear they do not know the history of the “birth of the sun” and evidently also are ignorant of the Egyptian mythology and so on, as can be found in many of my articles.
Further Reading
The Star of Bethlehem/in the East, Three Wise Men/Kings, Sirius and Orion
Christmas and the ancient winter festivals of light around the world
Christmas is an ancient celebration of light, with many gods born on December 25
When Was the First Christmas?
The Christmas HOAX: The Real ‘Reason for the Season’
The Star in the East and the Three Kings
3 Kings/Orion’s Belt & Solstice/Christmas & Jesus’ Birthday (forum)
Dionysus: Born of a Virgin on December 25th, Killed and Resurrected after Three Days
Attis: Born of a Virgin on December 25th, Crucified and Resurrected after Three Days
Born of a Virgin on December 25th: Horus, Sun God of Egypt
Born on December 25th (Christ in Egypt)
Merry Mithramas!
Uttarayana and Dakshināyana: Indian winter-summer and summer-winter six-month periods