An Italian monk wearing funeral attire
There is a wide range of this self delusional behavior. Some claim secularism yet support the authenticity of their holy book. My Muslim friend claims that the Qu’ran is a book of high moral and intellectual instruction, as long as we can ignore the horrors that it teaches. I instruct him continuously; I think he’s coming around.
My strongly religious Christian friends and family members simply refuse to discuss the horrible immoral teachings and examples contained in the Bible and practiced by their adherents. I’ve always wondered, at what point does this attitude become mental illness? I recently came across this article written in 1997 by Jason R. Tippet, “Religious Fundamentalism As Mental Illness.” I certainly don’t agree with everything he writes, but that’s okay. The point is obvious. There is a certain point where the religious cross the line into mental illness.
To close, I’d like to share with you a Humpty Dumpty prayer. Everyone hold hands…or something:
From The Humpty Dumpty Gospel: “The Hump’s Spell”
Holey Holey Hole in the bread I sat on a wall and now I am dead Holey Holey Hole in the bread
The Big Hump on the wall his days numbered three they didn’t let him down not even to pee – Holey Holey Hole in the bread I sat on the wall and now I am dead Holey Holey Hole in the bread.
Browns passed by and scolded The Great Egg on high shouting death to your white death to your good for quite soon for the worms you’ll be food (pronounced “fud” in days of yore). Holey Holey Hole in the bread I sat on the wall and now I am dead. Holey Holey Hole in the bread.
The Fall was foretold by the Father; oh Great Cock in the sky and kitchen: “whence he shall rise as the one and true and divinely tasty Spring Chicken.” – Holey Holey Hole in the bread I sat on the wall and now I am dead. Holey Holey Hole in the bread.
To answer the obvious question that follows: No, I don’t do drugs.