UPDATE: Aron has promoted my book at the beginning of his video discussing the 10 Commandments and Christian commentator Dennis Prager:
Here’s the Youtube video of my discussion on November 20, 2014 with Aron Ra of American Atheists-TX and Mark Nebo of BeSecular.com.
In the caption on the video, Aron relates:
“Previously I have interviewed Frank Zindler, Richard Carrier, David Fitzgerald and Robert Price, all of whom are ‘mythicists’; they don’t think there was ever anyone alive whom we could recognize as either Jesus or Moses. Of the lot of them, I would have thought that Price was the foremost expert, but he referred me to D.M. Murdock, also known as Acharya S, author of ‘Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver‘.”
At 36:50 minutes, I comment:
“The first part of my book dissects the so-called historicity and then the second half of it deals with where the myth actually comes from … 1,800 citations drawing from 20 languages.”
At 37:45, Aron says:
“This is an impressive piece of work. It’s definitive.”
Here’s one person’s impression of the program, that of Pieter Droogendijk on Facebook:
“Holy shit, Murdock is a badass. Can she come back and talk more?”
We had a great time. Please have a listen, thumb up, favorite and comment.
Insults and Falsehoods
I should add that I stopped reading the comments after some people decided to rain on my parade by spewing hatred at me. Armchair critics are a dime a dozen.
Nevertheless, here are a few of the falsehoods being posted in the video, along with my responses:
1. I created “Zeitgeist.” FALSE. I was a last-minute consultant on the first part of the first film ONLY. My work was utilized in that film, and I have spent years backing it up with numerous primary sources and other scientific research.
2. Irish and Sanskrit have nothing in common. FALSE. Irish is one of the INDO-European languages, and there are many studies asserting that ancient/archaic Irish has commonalities with Sanskrit or Vedic.
3. Horus was not killed by Seth. FALSE. As I stated correctly in the program, the myth of Horus being killed is in the writing of the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus during the first century BCE. I even cited a GREEK word Diodorus uses, anastasis, because I’ve read significant parts of the myth in original Greek. Says Diodorus (1.25.6):
Isis also discovered the elixir of immortality, and when her son Horus fell victim to the plots of the Titans and was found dead beneath the waves, she not only raised him from the dead and restored his soul, but also gave him eternal life.
Here Diodorus’s Greek word for “raised him from the dead” is from the verb αναστησαι, the noun for which is anastasis, the very word utilized in the description of the later Jesus’s resurrection.
Egyptologist Sir Dr. E.A. Wallis Budge describes the incident of Horus’s death and “recovery,” after he was stung by a scorpion. The scorpion was sent by Set. Hence, Set kills Horus, as I stated, correctly.
4. There are no parallels between Jesus and Horus. FALSE. I have an entire nearly 600-page book full of these parallels, Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection, drawing from thousands of primary sources. Only those who have not studied this subject in any depth can make such erroneous claims. Hence, they are not experts and should not be pretending to be.
5. There is no influence from Egyptian religion on Christianity. FALSE. This nonsensical falsehood completely ignores the Coptic Christians, for one, who adopted and adapted many elements of Egyptian religion and myth into their version of Christianity, one of the earliest forms. Another very early form of Christianity, dating to the second century, is Egyptian Gnosticism, headed by Valentinus and Basilides. This Egyptian Gnosticism was highly influential on Christianity.
Numerous Egyptologists have acknowledged the blatantly obvious influence of Egyptian religion on Christianity. Many of their comments can be found at my article “Newly discovered ancient Christian magical spell reveals Egyptian influence.” Here are but a couple:
“The influence of Egyptian religion on posterity is mainly felt through Christianity and its antecedents.”
Egyptologist Dr. Siegfried Morenz, a director of the Institute of Egyptology at the University of Leipzig in Egyptian Religion (251)
“…it is not improbable that even early Christian texts were influenced by ideas and images from the New Kingdom religious books.”
Egyptologist Dr. Erik Hornung, a former professor of Egyptology at the University of Basel who has been called “the world’s leading authority” on ancient Egyptian religious texts, in The Valley of the Kings (9)
There is much more, again, as can be found in my book Christ in Egypt.
As we can see, it is my critics who are “full of shit.” They simply do not know what they are talking about.
Further Reading
Did Moses Exist? The Myth of the Israelite Lawgiver
The Ra Men podcast EP10 – Did Moses Exist? with D.M. Murdock (forum thread)
Texas school board to vote on textbooks criticized for religious bent
Separation of Religion and State