UPDATE: I have cancelled the MRI with the contrasting agent gadolinium after more careful consideration of potential side effects and the experiences of others, as well as the warning on the website insideiradiology.com.au:
Gadolinium contrast medium should be avoided in patients with reduced kidney function or kidney failure (either chronic or acute), and hepatorenal syndrome (a condition involving reduced function of liver and kidneys).
Since it is known that my liver function is reduced, I do not feel it is possible to take this chance at this time, as it could make me very ill. Even if the cancer is in my brain, I will not be doing chemo, radiation, surgery or steroids in any event. The quality of life produced by such treatments would be very poor, indeed, including not only brain damage but also potential “roid rage” and the spread of the cancer.
Hi folks –
For several weeks, I’ve been ailing with weakness, lightheadness and a sick feeling of being poisoned. It has been suggested the cancer is now in my brain, so I’ll be doing a constrast MRI shortly. Otherwise, mainstream tests show nothing other than mildly elevated liver enzymes, due to an inflamed liver. Recall that my Stage IV inflammatory breast cancer includes secondary cancer in the liver.
Unfortunately, I have many symptoms of liver damage, and my elevated enzymes indicate my liver is functioning at only 20%. This issue alone could be enough to kill me, and I do feel like I’m dying in the mornings especially. We’ve been trying to heal my liver for several weeks now, but I only start to feel better in the evenings or nights, which also indicates adrenal exhaustion, a condition ignored by the mainstream but discussed by cancer patients. Then the horrible process begins all over again the next day. 🙁
I’m pretty sure the issue began acutely after an IV treatment that dehydrated me and concentrated in my liver. Of course, the doctors want to blame the cancer, but when we did an ultrasound of the liver, the breast cancer there hadn’t spread or progressed, which we found to be very encouraging.
I should add that the liver biopsies were absolutely brutal, and they themselves could have spread the cancer. When the initial sedation wore off, I was in UTTER AGONY from the biopsies, because I’m one of those “rare” people with nerve endings in my liver. I had to endure two doses of Dilaudid so as not to have a heart attack from the pain. The biopsy knocked me on my arse and kept me in bed for several days, while the pain of it lingered for weeks.
Do NOT let anyone go about writing stupid blogs saying that “alternative medicine” killed me. That would be yet more inaccurate propaganda. With my liver dysfunction from the initial diagnosis, the chemo and radiation assuredly would have killed me anyway, and that is why oncologists often do not recommend them to those who have metastases in their liver.
I’ve been researching like crazy, doing many aggressive treatments and consulting with numerous people, including mainstream doctors and other skilled practitioners. You can see my latest posts on Facebook outlining my views and treatments, which I hope will help others, whether or not I make it.
As always, all assistance is greatly welcomed, whether it’s supportive comments, suggestions, advice or financial, the former of which can be posted in the comments and the latter of which can be done here:
Or to my new fundraiser here:
D.M. Murdock/Acharya S’s Breast Cancer Fundraiser
Thank you for all the love and support over the years. You all mean the world to me!
P.S. In the below video is an example of a breast-cancer sister who diligently and dutifully followed the standard-care treatment, only to find the cancer has come raging back and that there are no more options. Hence my caution at jumping in without serious consideration…
I found this “Killing Cancer” HBO special to be very inspiring, however, for better treatments:
P.P.S For those who still think standard care treatment might “save” me, you need to be aware of my personal situation: 1. I was told by the surgeon that my breast is inoperable, hence no surgery; and 2. Many oncologists do not recommend the harsh and immune-suppressing chemo and radiation for those with metastases in their liver. I was placed with a palliative care oncologist, and none of these options was pushed on me, so I was compelled to look outside of the box. My integrity demanded that I study the subject diligently, and my life depended on it as well.