had an article disparaging documentaries “shockingly full of crap” that included the first “Zeitgeist” film. Unfortunately, the article itself – which had almost a million views in one day – is shockingly full of crap, as the author has a very superficial knowledge of the subject of comparative religion and mythology. Note that she doesn’t cite me, even though it’s basically my work she’s critiquing. Instead, in her “research” she relies on the deranged rantings of a rabid Christian apologist!
I sent her the following email – feel free to post the links around wherever you see such falsehoods:
Hi –
I read with interest your article purporting to refute “Religulous” and “Zeitgeist.” As the main source for the information about religion in the latter film, I need to inform you that you have made several erroneous remarks concerning the content therein. I have spent the past several years proving the facts in the religion part of ZG, including a nearly 600-page book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection. You have merely scratched the surface and fallen into the trap of citing others who are not experts on the subject. The “Egyptologists” themselves apparently do not even know the work of the main scholars in the field, whom I quote abundantly in my book.
If you would like to know the facts about the Horus-Jesus connection and the rest of the characters upon which the mythical Jesus was founded, I am always available. A retraction of the fallacious parts of your article would be most welcome.
Here is a start for some real research:
Thank you for your professional courtesy and attention to this important matter.
Note that my article “Was Mithra Born of a Virgin?” was also published in a peer-reviewed reader, Anahita: Ancient Persian Goddess and Zoroastrian Yazata, along with the articles of many Mithraic and Persian scholars. See my article: Anahita, virgin mother of Mithra. It does the Persian people a great disservice to misrepresent their ancient traditions with rude comments such as that Mithra was born of a “fucking rock,” as in this vulgar Cracked article.