by D.M. Murdock/Acharya S
Another nation in which the native sun god was overthrown by the Jewish Son of God was Great Britain, where the ancient Druidism was likewise appropriated by the later Christianity. While the “Jesus in India” theory asserts the Jewish sage spent his entire early years there, the British tale of Jesus has him travel in his youth to Glastonbury in order to learn from the Druids.
The story goes that many of the tin miners in Britain at the time of Jesus’s alleged advent were Jewish, which is sensible since British tin-mining was evidently highly valued by the Jews’ Phoenician predecessors and cousins. One such miner was purportedly Jesus’s “uncle” Joseph of Arimathea, who, along with Jesus, allegedly founded the first Christian church at Glastonbury. Certainly there were Jews in England at the time of Jesus’s supposed existence, as there were diffused throughout much of the world. However, the fact that Glastonbury was a “great Pagan sanctuary” in pre-Christian times makes this story suspicious as mythmaking and propaganda.
Among other things, Glastonbury was purportedly the seat of the “Holy Grail” or sacred chalice, a pre-Christian concept, and has been equated with the mythical pagan paradise Avalon. Legend holds that St. Patrick died in Glastonbury around 472 CE. However, since it appears that “St. Patrick” may be an ancient Irish god turned into a Christian saint, it would seem that this apocryphal story represents an approximation of when Christianity really began to circulate in England, “killing” the pagan gods.
The Glastonbury legends further hold that King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were likewise buried there, and that Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table were descended from Joseph of Arimathea. These tales appear to have been created in order to give Arthur Jewish ancestry and a divine pedigree as a descendant of King David, bestowing upon the British kings the divine right to rule as “true Israelites.” Indeed, one of the Jesus-in-Britain proponents, devout Christian/British Israelite E. Raymond Capt, writes about the presence of both Jesus and Paul in Britain, and discusses the “remarkable prediction of Britain’s glorious inheritance.” Thus, the legend serves to establish British supremacy, as Great Britain is destined to inherit the biblical promise of God’s kingdom on Earth to the descendants of the “Lost Tribes,” the true sheep of Israel.
Virgin Mary Buried in England?
Adding to this notion, it was asserted that Mary’s mother, Ann, lived in Glastonbury, and that Mary herself was buried there. After Christ’s death, the story goes, Joseph was accompanied by Mary, the risen Lazarus and his sisters, Mary Magdalene and a number of other “saints.” Unluckily for the Mary-in-Britain fable, other legends place her burial in Kashmir, as noted, and in Bethlehem, Ephesus and Gethsemane. Naturally, logic would dictate that, were Mary a real person, she would not be buried in more than one place. The reason why “Mary” appears all over is that she is the ubiquitous ancient Goddess turned into a Jewish maiden.
Concerning the British gods, Capt states that the Druidic trinity was composed of three “Beli” (cf. the Semitic Baal, Bal or Bel). Interestingly, “Yesu” (also “Hesus”) was the name of the Druid “coming Saviour of the future.” (Capt, 9, 10) Capt then naively remarks, “Druidism thus anticipated Christianity and pointed to the coming Saviour under the very name by which Christ was called.” In reality, Christianity copied and incorporated countless elements of numerous religions within the Roman Empire and beyond. Moreover, per the Catholic missionary Huc, who traversed India, Tibet and other parts of Asia, “Yesu” was also a name of the expected avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, of which Krishna was an avatar.
Hesus the Carpenter God
The Druidic inhabitants of “Glastonbury Lake Village” were highly skilled woodworkers and carpenters; hence, their god was a woodworker and carpenter named Yesu/Esus/Hesus, long prior the Christian era. When one understands the brotherhood and its priestcraft, it is not surprising that Jews who purportedly lived in the very heart of Druidism–the fabled Avalon itself–and who would know about the future Druid savior and other doctrines, would return from Palestine with tales that “the” Messiah by that very name had been born in Judea.
In addition, the first “church” at Glastonbury was supposedly “circular…with the twelve huts of the other disciples forming a circle around it.” (Capt, 42) Many Pagan temples had a similar astrological blueprint, i.e., the circle of the Zodiac, and it is clear that Glastonbury’s sanctuary was appropriated by the mythical Christ and fictive Twelve, as the original Druid “church” was likely founded in the name of their patron carpenter god, Yesu/Hesus, long prior to the alleged advent of the Jewish savior. Indeed, Christianity is but a Judaized rehash of Paganism, with the astrotheological pagan gods turned into the Jewish Son of God, his disciples and a slew of saints. Ergo the tales of Glastonbury and elsewhere.
The reason for all this apparent chicanery can be summed up by Capt’s words: “There can be no doubt that the Glastonbury Abbey is the oldest, continuous Christian foundation in the world.” As we have seen, and would continue to see in The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God and other books, this claim of primacy is commonplace and has at its foundation not the “historical truth” but a powerful political and economic agenda. In actuality, scholars have repeatedly discredited these traditions regarding Jesus and Joseph in Glastonbury as having been devised in the 12th century by monks trying to entice pilgrims and their tourist money. (Capt, 107)
This myth was apparently created in order to establish the supremacy of the church at Glastonbury, as well as explain why Jesus and his purported teachings were so similar to the god(s) and doctrines of the Druids. The Druids in turn supposedly received their instruction from Pythagoras, who himself had traveled to India. Since the Druidic and Vedic priesthoods, language and culture are one at root, separating perhaps three millennia prior to the Christian era (Ellis), it does not surprise us that “Jesus” legends are found in both India and Britain. In fact, such a godman and doctrines already existed in Britain for centuries, if not millennia, prior to the Christian era. By having “Jesus” and/or Paul establish a church in what is “the center of the Druidic faith in Britain,” the Jewish/Israelite version of the tale thus usurped the native religion. Also, Druidism was a thorn in the side of the Romans, who could not totally rule Britain so long as it existed; hence, it would benefit the eventual Roman Church to have their supposed founder personally consecrate Britain.