Frank Zindler

From the Center for Inquiry website:
Frank Zindler is currently the editor of American Atheist Magazine and Director of American Atheist Press. A recognized member of the ongoing debate on creationist pseudoscience and evolution, he has been a biology, psychobiology and geology professor for many years. He is also a member of numerous learned organizations, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York Academy of Science, Society of Biblical literature and the American School of Oriental Research. Zindler has written and spoken extensively on Biblical history, creationism and evolution and the historicity of Jesus, including his recent book The Jesus the Jews Never Knew (2003).
Regarding Mr. Zindler, Dr. Robert M. Price says:
One of the most effective (not to mention hilarious) speakers for atheism and secular humanism today is Frank Zindler, author, linguist, translator, Bible scholar, and scientist—truly a Renaissance Man.
He is an advocate as well for the much-despised but increasingly hard to ignore Christ Myth hypothesis, which he has ably defended in books such as The Jesus the Jews Never Knew and articles like “Where Jesus Never Walked.”
He was acting President of American Atheists in 2008 and is editor of both The American Atheist Magazine and American Atheist Press. Frank has also been on the ground floor of The Jesus Project and the Secular Criticism of the Bible group of the Society of Biblical Literature. Though a veteran in the rationalist field, Frank Zindler always manages to supply new and unique insights even on the most familiar questions.
He has debated William Lane Craig and many others. Come and see if he’ll be just as tough on Point of Inquiry host Robert M. Price!
For more information, listen to Frank Zindler’s Point of Inquiry radio program with Bob Price.
Also see Zindler’s book The Jesus the Jews Never Knew, an important analysis of the value of the Talmudic references to “Jesus” as “evidence” that the “Jesus Christ” of the New Testament was a historical figure.