Ayaan Hirsi Ali infidelThe beautiful and dignified Ayaan Hirsi Ali overcame severe hardship and rose to prominence by possessing innate morality, kindness and decency. Having come from Somalia – the most dangerous country in the world, where she suffered under a brutal and violent social system that included having her genitals hacked off when she was five – Hirsi Ali has continually displayed grace, intelligence and courage in her sounding of the alarm concerning Islam.

And Hirsi Ali doesn’t speak of “radical” or “extreme” Islam – she talks about what is in reality classical Islam, Islam as it was meant to be. and has been She spoke at the University of Wisconsin at Madison recently, where, of course, Muslims were angered by her mere presence, as many of them are by her mere existence (and so much else).

UW-Madison speaker critical of Islam, draws Muslims’ criticism

…”Initially it was decided that we didn’t want our names associated with her,” said Reid Tice, DLS chair.

“Today though, I’m really proud to be a Badger and strike up these insightful critiques of free speech and religion.”…

…She referred to examples of flogging and beating as prescribed by the Qur’an and urged feminists and other activists to scrutinize the religion practiced by 1.5 billion people across the globe.

“Islamic doctrine is incompatible with American theory,” she said.

It’s appalling that anyone would not “want our names associated with” a respectable black woman who has suffered so much, including genital mutilation and mental and physical enslavement.  Unfortunately, such a mentality reflects the power of the mob, as coddling brutal Islam is obviously far more important to many than supporting an individual who was harshly abused by it.

Further Reading

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Saves Civilization