To the rabid rampagers globally attempting to silence us through their violence and through the imposition of “blasphemy” and “defamation of religion” laws designed to shut up criticism of the very ideology that causes them to rampage violently, your efforts at curbing my free speech are blasphemous against my religion, so can I have you arrested?
“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.”
As one of the prophets of my religion, the third American president, Thomas Jefferson (power be upon him), once said: “The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us.” It is also said, “The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” As a historian and traveler, I am aware that the United States of America is one of the last true bastions of liberty, and I am eternally vigilant in preventing the erosion of my civil and human rights, a censorial act of aggression that blasphemes my faith of freedom.
Here is a scripture from one of the holy texts of my religion, composed by some of the main prophets of my religion:
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Note the parts about not establishing a religion or abridging free speech? If you go against these verses of my scriptures, you are blaspheming my religion. Therefore, by your anti-blasphemy and defamation of religion laws designed to protect your violent, hateful ideology of women-oppression and enslavement, you are behaving illegally in blaspheming someone else’s religion. And I’m sorry, but my religion of freedom and peace trumps yours of enslavement and violence.
Here is one of the main sacred scriptures of my religion:
The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America…. It is the oldest written national constitution in continuous use, and it influenced later international figures establishing national constitutions.
There is a reason why this constitution has endured, where others have failed, and why the U.S. remains a great nation, even though it is composed of people from cultures, races, ethnicities and religions globally: The individual freedoms encased in this text, written by some of the most enlightened persons in history. These freedoms do not include rampaging violently through the streets because someone has supposedly offended you by speaking facts and truths. These freedoms do, however, include the right to “offend” you by speaking facts and truths. Enlightened individuals understand that speaking words is vital to communication and understanding, whereas physical violence is the voice of barbarism and savagery.
“Enlightened individuals understand that speaking words is vital to communication and understanding, whereas physical violence is the voice of barbarism and savagery.”
If your religion or “holy law” go against my sacred scriptures and holy law of the land, then you are breaking my religious law. It’s that simple. Best give up your anti-blasphemy efforts, lest they bite you back.
Here is another holy text of my religion, The Gospel According to Acharya S, in which I write about the American Constitution as “A Truly Sacred Scripture“:
1. a. A sacred writing or book.
b. A passage from such a writing or book.
2. The sacred writings of the Bible. Often used in the plural. Also called Holy Scriptures.
3. A statement regarded as authoritative.
What is a sacred or holy scripture? Hundreds of millions of people around the world hold sacred the Bible, the Koran, the Dhammapada, the Vedas, Puranas and many other texts that are considered to be “divinely inspired” in some way or another. Countless people claim that there is a single god somewhere “out there” who directly inspired these texts, which are therefore infallible, since this god “himself” is infallible. Others see these texts as manmade and containing errors, although they may also possess much divinely inspired wisdom. Still others consider these so-called scriptures to be entirely contrived by human beings and a reflection of human understanding, rather than divine inspiration.
What is the truth? Is a book that contains endless stories of warfare and slaughter against infidels or unbelieving nations and individuals really “holy writ?” One which dictates that there are “chosen people” who are superior to others, who may thus be unreservedly dominated and exploited? Or that human beings are revolting “sinners” who can only achieve grace by believing in a “Son of God” who was hideously tortured and murdered “for our sins?” Is this sort of “scripture” truly the most appropriate and intelligent writing the God of the cosmos could come up with? Or could there be something much more enlightened that deserves to be held up in a higher sacrosanct position?
“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
The American Constitution may well be the “holiest of holies.” It is not “infallible,” nor does it address religion specifically, except for this particularly pithy amendment that is not only wholly relevant but also holy in its implications for securing liberty from religious imposition of all kinds:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
These remarks do not suggest that the constitutions of other nations are necessarily inferior or that the U.S. is flawless, but at least in this well-considered and well-written scripture – as defined by the third definition: “A statement regarded as authoritative” – there is a chance for humanity to be truly free and to reach its best.
Here is a video about my religion:
Your anti-blasphemy laws blaspheme my religion, and many of your religious beliefs defame my religion. Please respect my religion and stop trying to force yours on the rest of us through such censorship, which only proves our criticisms to be true.
“Following our religion, we will continue to speak out against all oppression, hatred and violence, including and especially that of religions, sects and cults worldwide.”
Following our religion, we will continue to speak out against all oppression, hatred and violence, including and especially that of religions, sects and cults worldwide. If your religion is being criticized by millions of peace-loving people globally, there is a reason for that criticism, and it isn’t because we are all “filthy infidels.” Instead of trying to censor our complaints and blaming the victims, you will need to look more closely at what you follow, which is setting itself up against the rest of us, in a position of enmity and hatred. There is absolutely nothing “peaceful” about it, and that falsehood about “peace” itself is one of the main criticisms we will continue to vocalize, despite your blasphemous efforts to censor us.
“If your religion or ‘holy law’ go against my sacred scriptures and holy law of the land, then you are breaking my religious law. It’s that simple. Best give up your anti-blasphemy efforts, lest they bite you back.”
P.S. If my ironic use of the term “religion” in my effort at fighting fire with fire and demonstrating that we are just as passionate about our perspective of reality makes you feel “uncomfortable,” please listen to what one of the other prophets of my religion has to say.
Further Reading
American Founding Father Ben Franklin’s sense of divine providence concerning the Constitution
Beware of ‘defamation of religion’ censorship!
U.S. says no to U.N.’s anti-free speech effort
UN ‘Blasphemy Resolution’
Pakistan’s ‘blasphemy’ disgrace
Norway criminalizes blasphemy NOT QUITE
Irish atheists test blasphemy law
Thomas Jefferson was a freethinker, not a Christian
Origins of Islam
Origins of Christianity
Quotes from Judaism
FBI, DHS warn Muslim violence could spread to the U.S.
U.S. Government report on 35 terrorist-related Muslim ‘compounds’ in America
Is my religion intolerant?
Not all nonbelievers hate religion