UPDATE: Here is the MP3 recording of this show. And here is the Itunes download of this show.
Following the big premiere of Peter Joseph’s “Zeitgeist: Moving Forward” on Saturday, I will be appearing on the radio show of the Philadelphia chapter of the Zeitgeist Movement on Sunday, January 16, 2011, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST/4:00 to 6:00 PM PST/0:00 to 2:00 GMT.
The show will hosted by Kevin, who goes by the amusing moniker of “Karma Tinfoil” and who created the interesting collage I’ve posted as an image. To listen, go to the following link:
For the first hour, we will be discussing my work, which was an inspiration for the first/religion part of the first “Zeitgeist” film. The second hour will be reserved for callers, who can reach the show at (724) 444-7444. Be sure to dial the call ID 89564!
If anyone would like more information about the religion part of the first film, including all the controversy and debate surrounding it, as well as all the evidence, please see this forum thread:
Zeitgeist, Part 1: The Supporting Evidence
And be sure to read the great stuff I’ve compiled here:
The ZEITGEIST Sourcebook (slow loading PDF)
Please also note that I was not involved in the actual production of ZG1 but was only a last-minute consultant for the first part. I have nothing to do with Parts 2 and 3 or the other ZG films.
In this regard, please also see the following forum thread concerning the latest unfortunate episode of “Zeitgeist” in the news: